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Magic Ingredients That Unlock The Secrets to Glowing Health

Most of us are prone to lethargy, lack of energy, poor lifestyle choices, and stress. It's the way we live our lives in this day and age. But did you know that there are all-natural plants and herbs that can revitalize you and give you the much-needed boost to being your healthiest, happiest self?  Here are some such ingredients and the benefits they provide. And they are all available in one amazing tea blend - The Hot Skinny Tea .  Garcinia Cambogia extract, sourced from a tree native to India and Southeast Asia, has the potential to act as a fat blocker due to its accumulation of hydroxycitric acid. It can block enzymes that produce body fat, raise serotonin for better moods, and may even suppress appetite.  Lemon grass is the quintessential cleanser that gets rid of body toxins and balances body processes such as liver function.  Sencha green tea can clear your skin, increase energy levels, and even kill oral bacteria.  Lotus leaf , a.k.a. the blood toni
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What Is The Red Tea Detox?

The Red Tea Detox  is a brand-new cleansing program that detoxifies the body and sheds pounds  quickly  and  safely . It allows almost anyone to lose 14lbs in just a matter of weeks. Based on more than a decade of research spanning over  500 medical studies  as well as almost  three years  of real-world testing, this program has the results – and the science – to back it up. Liz Swann Miller, creator of  The Red Tea Detox , is a six-time best-selling author with over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath (ND). She discovered the unique recipe for this energizing tea, the foundation of the program, during her travels deep into the heart of Africa. And best of all, the ingredients are so common they can be found in virtually any store. Reproduced here for the first time in the Western world,  The Red Tea Detox  passes on the recipe for this incredible tea in the form of a fully digital product, making it available to customers instantaneously. This comprehe